We are a parachurch ministry that administrates and leads short term mission trips to support missionaries and the global church in the Spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
John & Luanna Lacey -
Senior Ministers
John is a true servant leader with eyes that see all of God’s people regardless of nationality or social status. He is not afraid to serve Jesus by putting his hands to physical labor to take care of orphans, widows, and the poor of this world. He has simple, childlike faith in that he believes if God says it, He will do it! He is dedicated to praying and studying God’s word so that he can lead people in God’s work in the power of unity and love. The cry of his hear is Here Am I Lord! Send Me!
Luanna is a God loving, Jesus serving, friend of the Holy Spirit. She has a passion for the nations of the world, planted in her heart by the Lord. She spends her time supporting the local churches, teaching God’s truths that are found in the Holy Word of God, and developing others to find their God given potential and destinies. It is her heart’s desire to see God’s children working together as one to prepare the way for Jesus’ return. For that to happen, every ear must hear the name of Jesus. Who will go? She will! And invites you to join her.
John and Luanna founded HAI in 2005. They are graduates of TIC School of Ministry and Bible College. They received their ordination of ministry from Tabernacle International Church in 2005. Luanna is currently earning her Masters in Evangelism and Leadership from Wheaton College.